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television news造句

"television news"是什麼意思  television newsの例文  


  • On television news concerning ordinary people ' s life
  • Analysis of the exertion of fuzzy language in television news
  • I watch television news for one thing only - entertainment
  • Research of the television news expression
  • Makes the television news more exciting . makes it more fun
  • A television news program famed for the charisma of its anchors
  • The radio - television news directors ' association and foundation welcomes
  • . . the radio - television news directors ' association and foundation welcomes .
    . .廣播電視新聞主管協會與基金會歡迎.
  • What do you think mead would say about the internet and 24 - hour television news
  • To the left was a reception desk for print and television news reporters
  • It's difficult to see television news in a sentence. 用television news造句挺難的
  • Provides results and related content for the internet , print , television news and wireless media
  • Lutfalla is the second ap television news cameraman to be killed in mosul in the last two years
  • He even founded a global french language 24 - hour television news network to rival cnn
    他甚至創建了一個24小時的法語全球電視新聞網絡,與美國有線新聞網( cnn )抗衡。
  • Television news bulletins usually contain a story that affects you personally at the precise moment it ' s aired
  • Indian television news reported that he had been unwell for some time and recently underwent surgery for abdominal ulcers
  • Meanwhile , his relatives were putting up posters of mr mootoo on lampposts and his picture was broadcast on the local television news
  • Entertainment news and forum service where readers can discuss articles . contains music , movie , video game , and television news
    -中國網絡茶都cnntc -茶吧論壇美女圖庫,軟件下載,音樂mp3 ,動漫,免費電影,禮儀
  • As police radioed for reinforcements , the bank robbers fired some 1 , 200 rounds ammunition in a ferocious shootout caught by television news cameras
  • It was getting mentioned in blogs , commented on in forums and rewritten for news websites . it was even picked up by bbc television news
  • As police radioed for reinforcements , the bank robbers fired some 1 , 200 rounds ammunition in a ferocious shootout caught by television news cameras
  • 更多例句:  1  2
如何television news造句用television news造句television news in a sentence和television news的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。